Mobile Apps

Digitizing B2B Sales for Streamlined Customer Interaction with a Mobile Ordering App

Our client is one of the largest regional wines and spirits distributors with hundreds of local commercial accounts and warehouses located in different cities.

Our client is one of the largest regional wines and spirits distributors with hundreds of local commercial accounts and warehouses located in different cities.

Challenge of Mobile Distributor App

The company's problem was interaction with their small B2B customers. Although all accounts of the company were handled by the ERP system, only larger accounts were making purchases via integrated interface, while hundreds of small accounts were handled manually over email and phone. Our client was suffering from misleading information, lost orders and slow information exchange. The client set out to simplify distributor-buyer interaction and improve customer experience.

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Solution for Mobile Distributor App

The workshop session with our client and their field account managers confirmed that most of their buyers and SDRs are using mobile devices and are always on the go.
So, the B2B mobile ordering app was chosen as an advanced solution that would digitize the process and be easily and painlessly adaptable by:

  • small B2B and Hospitality industry accounts such as stores, venues, bars, restaurants, and alike;
  • the client's SDRs;

So, we came up with a modern B2B ordering mobile app for customers or SDRs with synchronized inventory, order tracking and delivery management, personalizations and recommendations.

Both Android and iOS apps were implemented into the work of the company. The apps are fully connected with the ERP of the client with real-time synchronization.

Wines and spirits distribution company simplifies interaction with their customers from Hospitality industry and small stores with the help of a B2B mobile ordering app.

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After the distributor app was deployed, 67% of clients' customers have fully adapted the solution with all ordering going through the new system.
The distributor app proved itself to be a cost-effective and scalable way to clear the clutter of misleading information, grow sales and develop loyalty.

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