Web Sites

New Ecommerce Website to Boost Sales, Optimize Inventory Management and Order Processing

A cutting-edge tactical equipment and weapon accessories manufacturer recognized the need to upgrade their website to better align with their internal business needs. The company has a wide variety of goods with unique SKU numbers.

A cutting-edge tactical equipment and weapon accessories manufacturer recognized the need to upgrade their website to better align with their internal business needs. The company has a wide variety of goods with unique SKU numbers.

Challenge of FAB Defense®

The existing platform on which the client’s website was built lacked the necessary capabilities to effectively manage the company's diverse product range. Each product had different color shades, and variations within each product required unique SKU numbers. The legacy platform posed challenges in tracking stock levels accurately, leading to inventory management inefficiencies and potential customer dissatisfaction.

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Solution for FAB Defense®

To address the internal needs of the business and improve inventory management, the decision was made to migrate to BigCommerce.

The migration process ensured the safe transfer of data and content, preserving the integrity of the company's online presence.

BigCommerce provided a comprehensive product management system that catered to the company's requirements. The platform allowed for easy management and tracking of products with unique SKU numbers. This streamlined the inventory management process, ensuring accurate stock levels and reducing the risk of overselling or stockouts.

BigCommerce offered a range of built-in features and integrations that further enhanced the company's ecommerce capabilities. These included inventory tracking, order management, and reporting tools, empowering the company to make informed business decisions and optimize their operations.

Website for Tactical Equipment and Weapon Accessories Manufacturer

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By transitioning to BigCommerce, the tactical equipment and weapon accessories manufacturer successfully addressed their internal business needs and significantly improved their inventory management capabilities. The new platform's features and functionalities empowered the company to effectively manage products with unique SKU numbers, leading to more accurate stock tracking and streamlined operations. The transition to BigCommerce enabled the company to enhance their online presence and deliver a seamless shopping experience to their customers.

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