Mobile Apps

Intuitive Mobile Apps for Streamlined Ordering and Increased Online Presence

A distillery marketplace aggregator connecting wine and spirits suppliers with end consumers. They work first hand with the distilleries which means that the independent distilleries are being supported and orders are being shipped faster

A distillery marketplace aggregator connecting wine and spirits suppliers with end consumers. They work first hand with the distilleries which means that the independent distilleries are being supported and orders are being shipped faster

Challenge of Distillery Marketplace

The client was looking for a trusted IT partner that could develop mobile ordering apps for their existing ecommerce platform which would allow buyers place orders from their smartphones. It was supposed to be close at hand, easy to navigate and simple to use. The company was also looking for a way to streamline its operations and improve its shipping processes to provide faster and more efficient service to its customers.

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Solution for Distillery Marketplace

Devvela team collected and analyzed all requirements, created customer stories together with the client and deployed the solution in several iterations adding new features and making sure that the app works flawlessly. 
Together with the common ecommerce functionality we developed a custom process of product selection based on cocktail recipes also provided in the app. 
The main focus was the intuitive interface that is easy to navigate across iOS and Android devices.

An easy to use mobile application to increase the online presence of the company

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Today, Spirit Hub can fearlessly drive customer traffic through web and mobile channels. We made sure that enriching the app and updating its functionality will be a piece of cake. And since the potential advertising ROI is no longer limited by the user experience issues of the original, we expect fast expansion.

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