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Sales Process Digitalization for the Leading Manufacturing Company

A large international manufacturing company with a broad range of products including industrial robots, elevator control systems, IoT, new energy vehicle motor controllers, and more aims to streamline its sales processes and improve overall customer satisfaction.

A large international manufacturing company with a broad range of products including industrial robots, elevator control systems, IoT, new energy vehicle motor controllers, and more aims to streamline its sales processes and improve overall customer satisfaction.

Challenge of Custom CRM for Manufacturing Company

The company has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, but with this growth came challenges in managing customer relationships. The company realized that it needed to implement a system that would streamline its sales processes and improve overall customer satisfaction. To fully digitize the process we were set the following tasks: Simplify ordering process and make it visually available for customers; Decrease time spent for processing orders; Create a single source of truth for all departments;  All these made our client request us for a solution that would digitize and automate their sales processes.  

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Solution for Custom CRM for Manufacturing Company

The Devvela team identified various personas using the platform, created journey maps to assess the tasks that needed to be addressed by all parties involved and came up with the solution targeted at all the personas:

Customers - a user-friendly online configurator.
Sales representatives - easy access to the product database, quick order overview and estimation, and timely notifications about customer interactions.
Supervisors - access to all data regarding the sales department's performance.
Management - analytics with charts and other visual data to track growth.

Full digitalisation of the sales process for the leading manufacturing company with the help of an online configurator accelerates order estimation and placement and brings transparency to sales performance

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This resulted in more transparent and measurable lead generation and order processing and gave top managers all needed information for strategic decision-making.The solution provided by the Devvela team had a considerable impact on our client's sales operations and greatly improved the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the company.
Key results include:

Efficient and effective digitized sales process. 
Improved lead generation and order processing.
Enhanced customer communication and experience.
Increased visibility into sales performance.

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