Web Portal

Legacy Overhaul: Improved Customer Experience and Simplified Access to Business Information

A network of independent truck parts distributors addresses the needs of the distributors and supplier partners by providing value-added channel-specific tools to best serve their customers. VIPAR Heavy Duty connects and serves as a main information hub between truck parts distributors (company constituents) and supplier partners.

A network of independent truck parts distributors addresses the needs of the distributors and supplier partners by providing value-added channel-specific tools to best serve their customers. VIPAR Heavy Duty connects and serves as a main information hub between truck parts distributors (company constituents) and supplier partners.

Challenge for Improved Customer Experience

The client had a public website and private portal, designed to meet the information needs of distributors (client's constituents) and suppliers. While serving essential functions for distributors' business operations, they were utilizing a more traditional technology stack. The client aimed to enhance the user experience and streamline processes for the distributors with the help of modern aesthetics, improved functionality, and user interface.

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Solution for Simplified Access to Business Information

During an intense workshop session with the client and their distributors, our team extracted user stories from the business and defined business-critical functionality and the roadmap.  

Following this roadmap, we completely redesigned and overhauled the legacy websites and iteratively delivered a modern integrated system to streamline the distributors’ experience.

Overhaul and redesign of the legacy system for distributors improving user experience and providing simplified access to supplier program details.

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The public website designed for a general audience was successfully launched on time. 

The private portal was delivered in iterations, allowing for continuous improvement and refinement. This was found by our client to be highly promising and led to the selection of our services for similar corporate website projects.

The modernized system brought the customer experience to the next level being intuitive and user-friendly. 

This partnership not only ensured the immediate success of the portal but also strengthened our long-term relationship, built on trust and confidence, and set the stage for continued collaboration and success.

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