Mobile Apps

From Idea to Impact: How We Helped CONFR Redefine Tailored Event Discovery for Professionals

Our client aimed to offer a personalized and user-friendly platform for professionals and enthusiasts looking for global conferences. Their commitment to enhancing the app's features shows their dedication to becoming a valuable resource for conference seekers worldwide.

Our client aimed to offer a personalized and user-friendly platform for professionals and enthusiasts looking for global conferences. Their commitment to enhancing the app's features shows their dedication to becoming a valuable resource for conference seekers worldwide.

Challenge of CONFR

The client's concept behind CONFR was to create an information platform of different conferences around the world for professionals and enthusiasts alike. The app had to have advanced search functions to present the best conference pick while maintaining a practical and friendly interface. The Client had ideas on many features and on the ways of implementing them, including the use of an AI recommendation system. They chose Devvela, as a company with a background in startups. This includes working on larger projects - knowing how to pick out crucial elements, launch the project, and continue successful development. With the client ideas and our guidance, we began the work to present a functional version of the app in set timelines.

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Solution for CONFR

The client's intention was an early release of the product, but at the same time, there were many big ideas. Trying to push all the features out at once while on a fixed budget is a recipe for failure. So our first step was to design and develop a minimal viable product with an idea to expand later. We abandoned the initial idea of using AI in the application. Our choice was to implement core functions using fine-tuned algorithms. That way we handled the most challenging part of this application - preference-based recommendations, which are the killer feature of the product.

The team of React Native and Python developers along with a designer and Project Manager got on the job. With architecture and design handled by our team, functionality and UX development went step by step confirming results with our client.

We built the first version of the product. With everything in place and tested, we were ready for the release.

A smart app for finding events that fit your needs.

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Discussing ideas and their implementation with the client, devising a plan, and sticking to it — all this made sure that the App was done in time. Now the app is up and running, and all the conference seekers around the world can get their tailor-fit event selection. All they need to do is just enter their preferences when setting up the app.

Our development approach included expanding administrative functionality. Loading and editing data is no longer a problem. This all can be done by simply importing any number of events directly from Excel.

The product has just hit the market, so we are to see its performance. The client already shared with us his ambitious plans and possible features, such as engagement of conference organizers. Devvela gave the project a good start, and we will make sure to keep it going.

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