Essential Tips for Your Ecommerce Website

Highlights in Developing an Ecommerce Website


website development

The world of commerce is undergoing a digital boom. Worldwide B2B ecommerce sales are growing steadily reaching 14.5% compound annual growth rate by 2026. 


Source: The International Trade Administration

Thinking of taking your business online too? An ecommerce website can open your business up to a massive audience, no matter your size. But with all the choices out there, building your online store can feel overwhelming. This article will walk you through your options for building your website, how to pick the perfect partner (if you decide to go that route), and the must-have features for your store.

Options for Building an Ecommerce Website

There are tons of ecommerce platforms out there, each with its own strengths. Think of them as pre-built kitchens – some are great for whipping up quick meals (perfect for startups), while others are equipped for Michelin-starred creations (ideal for established businesses).


Going Solo with DIY Solutions

If you're just starting out and love a hands-on approach, platforms like Shopify and Webflow are your friends. They're known for their user-friendly interfaces, which means you can create a functional online store without needing to be a coding expert. While they might not have all the features of some advanced platforms, they're powerful enough to get your business up and running quickly.


Teaming Up with the Pros

Already a seasoned entrepreneur with big dreams for your online store? Building your own website might feel overwhelming. Here's where a professional development team comes in. Platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, and Magento offer serious features for managing your product catalog, shopping cart, and even integrating payment and shipping systems. But here's the catch – each platform has its own specialties and complexities. That's why picking the right partner who speaks fluent "ecommerce platform" is key. They'll ensure your website is not only effective but also custom-tailored to your specific needs.


How Do I Choose the Right Ecommerce Website Developer?

Choosing the right developer is like finding the perfect roommate – a good fit makes all the difference. Here are some qualities to look for:


Experience is Everything
Look for a team with a proven track record in ecommerce projects. They should be familiar with different platforms and have a portfolio showcasing their ability to deliver top-notch websites.


Understanding Your Business
Your developer should be like a mind reader (well, almost). They should take the time to understand your business model, target audience, and unique needs. This way, they can build a website that aligns perfectly with your goals and creates a smooth shopping experience for your customers.


Tech Savvy
The ecommerce world is constantly evolving, so your developer should be too. They should be well-versed in the latest trends and technologies, including responsive design (meaning your website looks great on any device), mobile optimization (because everyone shops on their phones!), and integrating with third-party services like payment gateways and shipping providers.


Here for the Long Haul
An ecommerce website isn't a "set it and forget it" situation. Your developer should offer reliable support to keep your site running smoothly and securely, like fixing any bugs that pop up or making updates as needed.


Functionality to Consider

Now that you've got your platform and developer figured out, let's talk about the features that will make your website a winner. Think of them as the ingredients that make your online store a recipe for success!


Easy Navigation
Customers shouldn't have to hunt for the products they want. A user-friendly navigation system will help them find what they're looking for quickly and keep them happy.


Mobile-Responsive Design
These days, everyone shops on their phones. Make sure your website is responsive, meaning it adjusts to look great on any device, big or small.


Secure Payment Gateways
Building trust with your customers is essential. Integrate secure and reliable payment gateways so your customers can shop with confidence.


Efficient Inventory Management 
No one likes running out of stock, especially online! An inventory management system will keep track of your stock levels, update product availability in real-time, and prevent you from accidentally overselling.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system helps you manage customer interactions, track purchase history, and even offer personalized recommendations. This goes a long way in building customer loyalty and keeping them coming back for more.


Analytics and Reporting
Analytics tools are your secret weapon. Use them to track your sales.



There are tons of ways to build your online store, each with its own pros and cons. Whether you pick a DIY platform that's easy to use yourself, or a custom solution packed with features, careful planning and choosing the right fit are key to winning.

Here at Devvela, we specialize in crafting online stores that perfectly match your unique business needs and brand identity. Our experienced developers have built high-performing stores across all kinds of industries.


Ready to build your dream online store? Let's chat! Contact Devvela today and we'll help you make it happen.

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